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Hotspot Shield VPN encrypts  Hotspot Shield VPN encrypts your internet traffic and enables you to access any blocked or geo-restricted site wherever you are, and more. Some logging issues aside, Hotspot Shield is a well-rounded VPN platform that uses proprietary technology to deliver turbocharged speeds and connection stability, as well as fast torrenting and streaming capacities, all through its exceptionally user-friendly apps. Hotspot Shield 5.20.5 Elite Though Hotspot Shield Elite lets you download and surf without a bandwidth cap, you are limited to seven days before you have to pay. There is a wholly free version, but it’s riddled with ads. Explore Hotspot Shield pricing, reviews, features and compare other top VPN Software to Hotspot Shield on Hotspot Shield is a popular VPN tool that enables users to securely access the Internet without any restrictions or imposed borders.

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